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This blog is inspired by Einstein’s quote: “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”

Here on this blog, my goal has been to simplify concepts which might seem forbiddingly complex at first glance. In these posts, you would find how-to notes, new technology trends and links to helpful free resources. While, in most cases, I have not shared the customer names, all these posts are based on lessons learned from real projects I have been involved in.

If you have comments or feedback please tweet it out! If you would like to share and contribute information – esp about something you have done and discovered yourself – please share it here as well.

About the blog author

Hi, I am Faizi Fakhruddin. I work with Salesforce as a Cloud Platform Architect. However please note that the views and opinions of this blog are solely my own and do not reflect any official salesforce.com policies or views. This is not the official Salesforce blog.

You can find my profile on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/faizif